Updates: page 6

  1. Signing out of Slacks

    Signing out of nearly every community Slack I was in has been a very positive move.

    Last night, I did another run on them and I’m in 2 community Slacks now—one of which I set up.


  2. New talk

    I’ve just done the outline for my new talk, “Keeping it simple with CSS that scales”.

    Key points:

    • I hate the term “scales”
    • Don’t panic
    • CSS-in-JS is bollocks
    • Slow down
    • Talk to each other
    • Document everything

    Catch it here: https://2019.stateofthebrowser.com

  3. Recommend non-dudes

    Pro tip, for my fellow dudes.

    When someone asks for recommendations for someone for job/contract opportunity: make a conscious effort not to recommend another dude, but instead, recommend a non-dude.

    Struggling with that? Diversify your following list.

    The same applies if you were thinking of recommending me, too (thank you, if that is the case).

    For design stuff, recommend @TatianaTMac.

    For dev stuff, recommend @nicmakesstuff.

  4. I’m going to write a book

    Thanks to the mind blowing success of @layoutplusplus, I’ve decided to spend most of the rest of this year writing another book—all about keeping things simple with design system CSS.

    Thank you all for enabling me to do that with your generosity ♥️