Week Notes 10

— 2 minute read

I’ve been properly head-down, working hard this week, so there’s not much to report, other than my country is still slowly sinking further into a Brexit pit of despair.

To give my brain a break from the agony that is life on Brexit Island, I started this thread on Twitter of really nice, creative CSS stuff. This managed to escalate really quickly into me creating a newsletter where I curate links to cool CSS stuff, reasonably frequently.

All of this stems from me hitting a breaking point because I am so goddamn sick of most of the discussions about the web being about JavaScript—wether it’s because we use too much (we do), too little (we can only dream), for styling or not for styling. It’s just constant. We’re bloody obsessed. Looking around the web for nice CSS stuff was like goddamn therapy in comparison.

The other thing that this newsletter has done is provide me a structure to post short articles about CSS patterns, utilities and tricks that I use day-to-day in my work. Hopefully these will end up being useful to folks and their projects. The first article is on a fluid type utility that can be controlled with CSS Custom Properties.

You can sign up to the Piccalilli Newsletter here!

It’s only a short week notes this week, because I’ve done a lot of writing and I’m all worded out.

I hope you all have a great week!

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Hi 👋, I’m Andy — an educator and web designer

I produce front-end development tutorials over at Front-End Challenges Club and Piccalilli. You can sign up for updates on Piccalilli to stay up to date with its progress.

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